Record Breaking! 

#FeelGoodFriday we are happy to announce this year, we recruited and trained more volunteers than EVER before! 77 new Tulsa CASA volunteers joined our team to advocate for the best interest of children in foster care. 2020, we’re ready for you! #RecordBreaking

New Advocates
November 2019

Congratulations and welcome to our newest volunteers! This group is fantastic, and they are rounding out what has been a great year for Tulsa CASA. Check in with us tomorrow to see what we’re so excited about! #ChangeAChildsStory

Kenda Gives Back to Tulsa CASA

Thank you to everyone who attended our Kendra Gives Back event tonight! This is such a fun event that Kendra Scott in Utica Square hosts for us on every year. Tulsa CASA receives 20% of sales during the event. What better way to support Tulsa area children than with a beautiful new piece of jewelry!?

November Anniversaries

Happy Anniversary! Thank you all for your years of service to Tulsa CASA. All 15 of you are vital to keeping children safe in Tulsa County and we’re lucky to have you! #ChangeAChildsStory

Volunteer Spotlight – Jeri Breedlove

Meet Jeri!

Jeri Breedlove completed Tulsa CASA’s pre-service training in November 2018, and is celebrating her 1 year CASA-versary this month!

Jeri has previously worked at Shadow Mountain Behavioral Health and as a Children’s Case Manager at Tulsa Women and Children’s center. As a Children’s Case Manager she would sometimes work with CASA, but didn’t know a lot about the program.

After being a stay-at-home mom for 14 years, she really started to miss working with children. She saw a CASA commercial and felt a calling to look into it more. After attending a Lunch and Learn, she signed up that day!

Jeri has been advocating for children aged 0-3 on our Safe Babies Court Team docket since December 2018. Born and raised in Oklahoma, Jeri has lived in Tulsa for over 15 years. She has been married to her husband for 17 years and together they have a 14 year-old son and an 11 year-old daughter.

Aside from being a Court Appointed Special Advocate, Jeri is often volunteering at her children’s school and teaching Children’s Sunday School at church.

What do you enjoy most about being a CASA?

CASA offers Tulsa families a second chance with better outcomes. Some cases are harder than others, but when you can be the voice for a child who doesn’t get to have a say in what’s best for them, and to make a positive impact in their life, it’s all worth it.

The day the family I work with finally entered trial reunification was my favorite moment on the case. Baby girl was in foster care for 11 months, and now she gets to celebrate her first birthday at home with her parents!

I enjoy being a consistent person in the family’s life. I see them once a week—on their good days and on the days they are struggling. I’m able to give them encouraging words and also tell them I’m proud of them for the hard work they have done.

A Note from her Advocate Manager

Jeri is a valued advocate and member of our Safe Babies Court Team. Since taking on her first case, she has hit the ground running and made a significant impact for her kiddo and the family.

Jeri consistently attends court hearings and staffings, is well-respected by the team, and has formed a fantastic relationship with the family she serves.

Jeri is one of the most dedicated and consistent advocates I have had the pleasure of working with. I am so honored to have her as part of my team and cannot wait to see the impact she has on future kids and cases! — Kaitlin Brasher

Happy Halloween!

We hope everyone is having as much fun as we are! Costumes, a staff potluck, and lots of laughs today. We take Halloween pretty seriously! #TulsaCASAStaff

Oklahoma CASA Staff Retreat

Three of our advocate managers with Oklahoma CASA CEO, Sheryl Marseilles, at the Oklahoma CASA retreat. Thank you Oklahoma CASA Association for giving our staff an opportunity to connect with other CASA programs around the state, share ideas, learn, and have a little fun! #OKCASARetreat

New Advocates
October 2019

Congratulations to our 6 new CASA volunteers! Many of them will be working with the Safe Babies Court Team. Safe Babies is for children age 0-3. There is a primary focus on parent/child attachment, and to get the child out of the foster care system to permanency as quickly as possible. You are all going to do great!

Happy Boss’s Day, Liz!

Happy Boss’s Day to our very own “World’s Best Boss” Elizabeth Fisher! A fun fact about our office: we love ‘The Office’. Here’s 3 fun facts about our Executive Director!
1. Liz has two birthdays
2. She’s the youngest of 5 siblings
3. Her whole family drives Jeep Wranglers