
New Advocates
September 2015

Judge Haskins swore in NINE advocates for our September, 2015 class! Congratulations to our new volunteers!


New Advocates
August 2015

We had six new advocates sworn in by Judge Palmer for our August class! Make sure to come to our Lunch and Learn on September 10th at noon to learn more about how you can get involved! RSVP to or 918-584-2272

Getting sworn in

New Advocates
July 2015

Last night EIGHT new volunteers were sworn in by Judge Palmer! Congratulations to these new advocates, and we’re so excited to see how they will positively impact our community! Are you interested in taking the next step? Come have Lunch and Learn more about CASA September 10th at noon! Check out our Calendar for more details or RSVP to tulsacasa@tulsacasa.or


Group picture

New Advocates
June 2015

Last night SEVEN new volunteers were sworn in by Judge Palmer! Congratulations to the newest members of our team, and we cannot wait to see their successes for the children they will be advocating for!

Group pic

New Advocates
May 2015

Last week EIGHT new volunteers were sworn in by Judge Palmer! Congratulations to our wonderful additions! Have you told someone about CASA lately? Our Lunch and Learn is tomorrow from 12-1pm and it’s not too late if you call us today! 918-584-2272 ‪#‎eachonereachone‬


Group picture

New Advocates
March 2015

EIGHT new advocates were sworn in this week and we could not be more thrilled! Remember to reach out to someone and tell them about CASA, as we are pursuing our Each One Reach One campaign this year! Invite someone or join us at our next Lunch and Learn May 12th!